Thursday, September 18, 2008

The latest on the Burley's

Heyy, so this is Harmony. I am updating for my mom. Haha. We really haven't been upto too much. I am just going to school-finally a senior!! It's great so far! Kristen is a 6th grader, and she is in band. She is in the percussion part, and she is actually pretty good as of now. Except it gets loud when she is banging on the drums and the other instrument she plays..don't know how to spell it, so I'm deciding not to try and then butcher it. =) So to move on to Amanda now. She is attending KCTC again and is in the nursing program for the 2nd year. She recently got a job at Family Fare and likes it so far. She is very busy and gone quite a bit. =(

Mom and Dad, are both working quite a bit. Mom is trying to get another job right now so that she can work at home. It will be good for her, and for the family too. My dad is just the same-o same-o right now. Just working and watching football and the news! Haha. He actually just went to see McCain-Phalin downtown GR yesterday. He came back with 2 pins and had a good time!

Hmm, I'm trying to think what else has happened lately. Well, we can go back to Labor Day. Amanda and I went camping at our church campground on Friday morning and stayed through Sunday afternoon. We had alot of fun playing games, riding bikes, going to bonfires, and hanging out with friends. When we got back on Sunday, our family from Ohio was here-Ungle Greg, Aunt Steph, Ryan, Evan, Kaitlyn, and Allison. Sunday night we went to the Collingsworth Concert, which was very good, and then went back home to eat tacos! Yumm! Probably one of the best foods! Monday they had to go home so mom, dad, manda, kristen, and I went to Lake Michigan for the day. We had an awesome time and the weather was perfect-nice and hot! From there, the school year has begun.

So basically that is what has went on lately. Not too exciting but something. We are just so fortunate to have a big family that loves each other and a God who is always there.

P.S. Thought it might be nice to put some pics up so here they are. We don't have any that really relate to this blog but I figured it's better to have pics than no pics at all. Hope you enjoy! =)

Amanda and I thought we would be funny and act and tough Navy girls! Haha!

The FAMILY (this was in May so we all look a little different) =)

Well these are the only ones I can find as of now but I'm sure we will have more sometime soon! Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Hey Harm--Glad you took over your mom's blog and gave us an update!! ;)
Hope you guys are doing good. Sounds like life is as busy there as it is here.

Love the "Tough Girl" pic.! :-)